Learn About Pinhole Gum Grafting Surgical Process

Pinhole Gum Grafting Surgical Process, also known as the Pinhole Surgical Technique, is a minimalist invasive treatment for gingival recession. The process does not involve sutures and is not severely painful as some stories narrate the experiences as. It is always better to seek timely intervention for mucogingival defects before they get worse and one becomes vulnerable to tooth loss. As you learn about our Pinhole Gum Grafting Surgical Process performed by dentists in the North Shore of Long Island, you will realize it is safer, more effective and relatively painless.

Pinhole Surgical Technique or Pinhole Gum Grafting Surgical Process uses some traditional techniques of periodontal surgical procedures, usually guided bone regeneration and coronally positioned flaps.

Such procedures are usually combined with allgrafts or cadaver, autogenous grafts or xenografts. Pinhole Gum Grafting Surgical Process does not use scalpels, sutures or periosteal elevators. A tiny pinhole is made in the mucosa apical. The area of recession in the mucogingival junction is accessed using specialized instruments.

The full thickness flap is elevated in apico-coronal direction. The elevation of the periosteum enables coronally pushing the tooth and bone. Collagen strips are used for periodontal regeneration. These strips are pushed into the interproximal spaces under the gingival and they cover the surfaces of exposed roots. Soft tissues get the support in the position. The strips help wound stabilization, thus facilitating healing and ensuring root coverage.

You should note a few advantages as you learn about the Pinhole Gum Grafting Surgical Process. Multiple teeth can be treated in the same setting. This is not usual in case of traditional autogenous grafting, which is basically connective tissue grafting. A severe recession and too many exposed roots can also be treated in one setting. It usually takes up to or longer than a year with traditional treatment. Our Pinhole Gum Grafting Surgical Process ensures much less postoperative pain and there is a substantially reduced risk of postoperative trismus.

Visit our dental clinic in Manhasset, NY for a professional consultation today!

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